"Take in with all Christians the extravagant dimensions of Christ's Love." Ephesians 3:18 MSG
The Love of God touches me in places so deep I didn't even know existed! He's my Best Friend, this Lover of my soul, JESUS. I blow Him a kiss every morning. Through familiar faces, He quickly blows me one back. I send Him a hug with an understood gesture. He tells me, "you can't give a hug without receiving one," on an unlikely billboard. JESUS tells me He Loves me through the thoughtful gift of a red ink rubber stamp, and in His kind and special way He tells me I brighten His day.
Jesus makes me feel special and beautiful even when my appearance is at it's worst. I don't know how He does that considering it was an impossible feat for anyone else, even when I looked my best. My Lord sends me flowers for no special reason, just because He likes to make me smile I think. That's just the way He is, my JESUS, my very Best friend. I can't wait to meet Him in person some day, hopefully soon. I like to imagine He will hold out His hand, and with a wink and a nod, say, "may I have this dance with you?"
I'm not rich by the world's standards and I'm not famous either, I'm not slender or gorgeous like a runway model. I'm not a genius or even that smart really, but I know God Loves me, for real and for true and that is why I would never want to be you. Don't get me wrong, God Loves you this way too! It's just that for the first time in my life, I'm happy to be me!!
So the next time someone smiles at you when your out and about, or you see a lovely fresh flower just recently bloomed, or when someone tells you they love you, know this, that it's really God talking to you!
God's Love is the most beautiful thing my heart has ever seen, and it's the very best part of me! I'm nothing without Him, the Savior of my soul. "JESUS, I'm in it for Love!" It's all about Love!
*I pray the Lord gives you a fresh revelation of His perfect Love for you today!*