Thursday, March 29, 2012

Can You See Him?

What a mess! 

That was my first thought when my husband brought home not one, not two, but three pallet fulls of old used ceramic molds he bought indirectly from a storage auction.  It seems we constantly either have cars that don't work or stacks of unwanted junk hiding under tarps waiting for a trip to Goodwill clogging up our carport. Now we have all these molds taking up valuable space! :/ 

Instead of getting mad about it, It dawned on me that God just might have a plan in all this clutter. As I mentioned in a previous post, I have learned my job is to love and support my husband and God will be the one to direct his steps. hard sometimes!  Anyway, I start thinking, (via Holy Spirit prompting cause honestly, I'm not that good lol), this must be a test,  I think it's a lesson in trust.  I know God is in this mess, but where?

When I found out my husband only paid $100 for all these molds plus several containers of paint, paint brushes, and a firing kiln, I realized this definitely has God's fingerprints on it! We could turn around and make some good money on all this wonderful stuff the Lord laid in front us. Funny how everything changes when I see God amidst the rubble. This mess just turned to treasure right before my eyes! Glory to God! It's amazing what He will do with what we would call junk if we would give Him the chance.

 Like I said in my last post, I have been sick for over two years which has really limited my ability to get out of the house. However, one day I got an overwhelming urge to get some paint and try my hand at creating something with these molds! I started with some already fired, but not yet painted ceramics that came with all the other stuff. As I was painting I realized not only do I need glasses ha ha, but also...this is so much fun! I just LOVE this new found talent I didn't even know I had! I can clearly see God now!  He has blessed me with a craft that is not only fun, rewarding, and sometimes challenging, but it also takes my mind off of my illness as I get lost in each little creation. My wonderful husband now pours most of my molds and I paint them. I think he enjoys this new hobby as much as I do! Praise the Lord!

This would have been a much different story if I hadn't listened to the Holy Spirit and waited to see what God was going to do with all this stuff in my driveway! I wouldn't have this wonderful craft that makes me feel good about myself because it keeps me busy and I have fun doing it! My husband and I wouldn't have this hobby we can enjoy together. I also wouldn't have found out that I am actually talented at something ha, what a nice surprise that was! God is such a good God, so good I can't hardly stand it sometimes. His Love truly overwhelms me! I'm so glad I listened to the Holy Spirit the day my husband brought these home!

I poured these cute little guys, as you can see it's a trial and error process of learning lol, I call them the Dent Family ha ha....

I did actually pour these myself and they came out proud of them! :)

 My husband poured these Hummel like boys and girl and he did such a great job! He is such an awesome blessing too! 

 Do you have a mess in front of you right now? It could become one of your greatest blessings! God wants to show you what He can do! Can you see Him?

I give You all the glory Lord, You deserve all the praise and I give it to You, Yes, it belongs to You!

Monday, March 12, 2012

If I Could Give God Flowers Today...

I love it when Spring comes around each year. The new life and beautiful colors that have been hiding all winter give me happy happy joy joy. I am also filled with wonder as to what this new season has in store for me. Whatever God's plans are for me, I know they are good ones. And as I think of all the wonderful blessings He has already given me, it just makes me want to give Him something back ...something that will bring a smile to His beautiful face, like flowers and a song of praise.

As I look around at all the beautiful new Spring flowers, I think of how much I love them. Their endless shades of color and intricate designs fill me with awe over the Master Artist who created them. Such detail too great for me to understand...God's wisdom...well there just isn't a word in our vocabulary good enough to describe it! I'm so glad He chose to give us flowers, like I said before, they make me happy. :) I think they make their Creator happy too, that's why he creates so many of them! I can't wait to see what the flowers in heaven look like! I hear they sing praises to the Lord!!

If I could give God flowers today, I would choose to give Him a bouquet of those rose-like, champagne pink and creamy white Lisianthus combined with some lacy edged, pink and white, Cosmos.  Before yesterday I had no idea what those where. I found them while looking through a Burpee seed and plant catalog and I think I will have to order me some of those, they are B E A utiful!!

What is your favorite part about Spring? If you could give God anything you wanted, that you know would make Him smile, what would you give Him?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I have been suffering in my body for over two years with, among other things, thyroid disease. The medication I've been taking hasn't worked. I have bouts of nausea as if I were pregnant accompanied by morning sickness that doesn't discriminate against time. I am often short of breath and find myself getting winded at the simplest of tasks like folding clothes while standing at the dryer. I feel like I have the flu nearly everyday, with body aches, weakness, pain and exhaustion to name a few of my symptoms. Life is cumbersome for me right now but even so, I am happier than I have ever been in my whole life!

So how is it that I can say with all honesty that I'm happier than I have ever been?  I would love to tell you all about it. :)  Ever since Jesus rescued me from my sin and shame and became my Lord, He has spent everyday Loving me, teaching me, and repairing everything in my heart that was broken. He has made it very clear that He wants me, cares about me, and even has a good plan for me. For the first time in my life, I have a real relationship with my great and awesome God! He is my very best Friend in the whole world. There is not one single other person in the world like Him. No other loves compare to His which is why He has absolutely no competition for my heart.

My mother walked away from me when I was 2, and I was a burden to all the rest. Many people have rejected me. Then one day I found out God, the Creator of the universe, Loves me and cares deeply about what happens to me. He says my name is engraved in the palm of His hand and promises He will never ever leave me or forsake me. That is such great news! I totally understand what it means to have Jesus as my mother, brother, father.... He is my everything!  I'm so glad all those places were empty so He could fill my whole heart with His Love. I wouldn't want it any other way!

For the first time in my life, I'm so grateful God created me to be me! I wouldn't want to be anybody else in the whole world, not for the whole world! Ya see, if I was anybody but me, I wouldn't have this incredible relationship with Him. I wouldn't want someone else's relationship with God, or even worse, no relationship with Him because I know how empty and sad I am without Him.

The Lord has taught me that He created me to love Him, not to be a burden to others, which puts a smile on my face just typing out the words.  He told me there is a place in His heart that can only be filled by me. There is a place there for you too, that can only be filled by you! If that's not something to be happy about then I don't know what is! God Loves me, He really Loves me and I understand that now.

Yes, I am miserable in my body, but I have never been happier or healthier in my spirit! I didn't even think it was possible that I could be happy in my own skin, let alone not want to trade places with anybody else in the whole world.

God really does heal the broken hearted! If you or someone you love has a broken spirit, Jesus wants to heal you! Everything He has done for me He wants to do for you too. All you have to do is come to Him, just as you are, and ask him to. You'll be so glad you did! Thank You Lord for Loving me!!! I will never be the same!!! I'm hooked!!!

If you or someone you know needs healing in their spirit, let me know if you would like me to pray for you. It would be an honor! God bless you friends!