The precious blood of Jesus washes away all
our sin and makes us white as snow! |
He had it all; power, wealth, a kingdom, angels to worship Him, and the love of all He created in Heaven. He was Royalty of royalty, the King of Glory! But He gave it all up for you and for me. Our creator became His creation so He could save us from ourselves and the devil. He was the richest of all and became the poorest so He could relate to us in our poverty. He willingly came to earth and suffered persecution and rejection like no other. His creation spit in His face and called Him a liar, a blasphemer! Even His own brothers didn't believe He was who He said He was. Can you imagine God in all that He is being denied the glory that belonged to Him? He knew how He would be treated when He got here but He came anyway. Why would He do that? Because of Love. God is Love and Love is stronger than pain, fear, rejection, and death. His Love for you is so much greater than you can even imagine!
"Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all and kings will surrender their crowns to Him!"
"The whole earth is full of His glory!" |
To say "Thank You dear Jesus for all that you suffered for my sake" seems so inadequate! You have made my life truly beautiful with Your perfect Love! I will praise You forever my King!
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