As I was drinking my morning cup of mocha infused coffee, with my favorite sweet hazelnut flavored creamer added, and reading my latest unchecked additions to my e-mail in-box this morning, I heard the sweet sound of chirping behind me. It sounded close enough that I could reach out and touch the source of these beautiful morning medley makers. So I turned my head to look out the large window of my living room so I could see what was going on out there.
Birds are one of my favorite sweet delights and the Lord knows it! I like to put food out for them to fill their bellies, and water in the bird-bath so I can watch them dance. I just love it when they do that, it makes me break out in laughter haha... They splash and spray like little sprinklers with such cuteness!
It's funny that whenever I set out something new for my little feathered friends, they never find it right away. Sometimes it takes weeks! I always know that when they do come, it will be that much more wonderful because I had to wait for them. Like the Lord says in His Word, " a longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul" and is it ever!
It's that way with everything we have to wait for. If we received everything we asked for when we asked for it, the thing would not hold it's value like it does when we have to wait for it. God is perfect, and His timing is perfect no matter what! So if you are waiting on God for something right now, be encouraged that when it comes it will be much more valuable to you because you had to wait for it.
Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who built it; unless the Lord guards the city the watchman keeps awake in vain. Psalms 127:1
"A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul..." Proverbs 13:19
Can you think of something you were praying for that you had to wait a while before God gave it to you, and do you think you would have been just as grateful for it if you had received it right away?
Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who built it; unless the Lord guards the city the watchman keeps awake in vain. Psalms 127:1
ReplyDelete~ what a great find in the Psalms!
I love this because I have been waiting a very long time for my boyfriend to propose. I know it's not going to "make" me happy or my life complete, but I long to be married to this sweet man and to work at the marriage and to be a devoted wife. This isn't something that many people my age want. Most of my friends are traveling the work or making it for themselves, and for me, I really long to be settled.
It's a bittersweet kind of waiting because I'm not single, I do have a wonderful relationship to cherish, so I am not in despair. Some days it's hard because I know the Lord has his perfect plan in mind for us, and I have to constantly remind myself, If God doesn't want it for me right now, I don't want it yet!
Thank you for sharing! You are a wise woman of God! I sympathize with you in your situation and I pray God gives you peace and encouragement while you wait on His perfect timing. I'm also learning that God know better than I if i'm ready for something or not. Where I once answered, "yes Lord, I'm ready!" I now say, "Lord, You tell me, You know better than I do!"