Praise the Lord oh my soul, praise the Lord! He gave it all away when He could have chose to stay. No longer sitting on the throne as a King should be all for the Love of you and me. All of heaven had to say goodbye, for that brief moment, to the Apple of their eye.
I can't imagine such a Love as this, that the Creator would become
the created for
those He created. He who was and is truly greatest became the least while He dwelt among us. How profound! In His great Love and compassion for His children He became one of us, to be tested and tried just as we are but even more so I think because He is God and could've called heavens army to come rescue Him at any given moment. But He didn't. He stayed the coarse, suffering great persecution and humiliation, betrayal, and inconceivable abuse at the hands of Roman soldiers.

It was His plan from the very beginning before we were ever created, to reach out His own Hand from heaven and save us from our depravity. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, not by works lest anyone should boast." If we would just humble ourselves and admit our need for His help and repent, turn away from doing what is wrong in the sight of the Lord and seek His beautiful Face instead. The gift is already there, your passport to heaven, bought and paid for, all you have to do is reach out and receive it, say yes to Jesus, tell Him you want His great gift of Salvation and ask Him to be Lord of your life if you haven't already. God paid a price way to high for us to pick and choose who we think is worthy of this great gift. Salvation is for everyone who believes!
Thank You my dear sweet Jesus for saving a wretch like me!!! I love you forever and can't wait to be married to You for ALL eternity long!!!
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