This blog is dedicated to my wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To bring glory, honor, and praise to God who deserves so much more than I could ever give. It is my prayer that as you read through my journey you will "taste and see that the Lord is good" in every season of life. I also pray that your faith will be built up to "mountain moving" proportions, that God will be greatly blessed by this blog, and that you will too!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Hurting People Everywhere
Jesus came to save those who are lost and hurting. Jesus said, it's not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick. The world is full of sick and hurting people and God Loves and wants each and every one of them just as they are.
While putting on my make-up, I was talking to my daughter through the bathroom door the other day. She comes to visit Wednesdays between her classes and work. The highlight of my weeks! :) Anyway, out of nowhere I remember the girl at the grocery store checkout stand the day before. She was a sweet looking girl all accept she was wearing giant spacers in her earlobes. If you don't know what I'm talking about, what happens is, if you take out the round spacers, you will have big loops for ear lobs.
When I came up to the checkout stand and noticed the girl, I felt a sadness come over me. She was thin and had dark hair put stylishly up in a bun. She was very sweet and pretty accept for those ears! I couldn't for the life of me figure out why she would disfigure herself like that, which I now realize is actually none of my business...
"I can't believe they hire people with those big loops in their ears", I told my daughter. "It looks horrible"! There is a girl at the ice cream parlor I like to visit who wears those and it's so gross I bout loose my appetite! "They shouldn't let people who wear those things in their ears work in food establishments" I said.
The next day I began to hear over and over wretched things I had done before my Lord saved me from my personal pain and days of intoxication. At first I thought it was the old enemy, satan, trying to steal my joy, so I tried to ignore it. As the list of my past offenses against God got uglier and uglier, and the pain coming back as if I were facing those offenses for the first time, I remembered the conversation I had with my daughter about those girls and their ears, and I also remembered I had asked God not to let me forget where I came from. My bad haha...just kidding. Be careful what you ask for cause you just might get it!
"We all wear our pain differently. Some of us hide it on the inside and some of us on the outside." Said the still small voice of God. I have been a faithful follower and student of Jesus Christ for 5 years and I am shocked at how I still struggle with pride and selfishness and judging others. It made me sad that I had disappointed God with my attitude towards these girls, especially considering where I came from. And it made me sad that I am still so far away from being like my beloved Jesus.
I have been humbled. I have been changed...
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This is great, thank you for bringing this subject up because it is so easy to view our opinions of what should be "ok" as almost a false sort of doctrine. I once read of a very conservative lady who got really bent out of shape because she saw some girl wearing a toe ring - as silly as that sounds, this lady honestly believed it was a breach of some sort of standard of feminine modesty. But it's really just about loving that person beneath that outward appearance.
ReplyDeleteI have the same tendency to judge right away. For me, my pitfall is bad drivers! Whenever I get cut off or behind someone who is a terrible driver, I get angry and annoyed calling them all sorts of names under my breath. Although it never escalates to actual road rage, the meditation of my heart is just as bad as anything else. I allow that resentment to fill me up and it only serves my own self-righteousness. This is when my husband has to remind me that we are all "spiritually bankrupt" and that we all are in need of mercy. It doesn't make those initial thoughts go away, but I am learning to take those thoughts before Christ and put them to death.