Flowers From God
The Bible says, "every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of heavenly lights." I didn't understand this until just a short time ago that when someone does something nice for me or gives me a gift, God is behind it. He is the One who motivated the giving of the gift, as we are His hands and feet. We are His vessels carrying out His will. So when someone gives me flowers, I know that God wanted me to have flowers that day. If someone buys me a meal, I know it was God's idea. If I'm feeling blue and someone pays me a compliment, I know that was God trying to cheer me up! And by the way, it does cheer me up to know that my Lord cares about the way I am feeling!

I used to think God was more of a disciplinarian than a gift giver. In my younger childhood years, my caretaker was heavy handed with the belt of punishment. The message that molded my framework was, "I'm bad." The more time I spend with God the more I learn that He is not like that at all. His is a message of Love and acceptance that says, "I'm fearfully and wonderfully made, I am the daughter of the King, I am a princess, and I am good!" It has been my experience, in the past few years, that the Lord actually delights in giving us gifts to brighten our day.
The Lord puts a smile on my face everyday and I sometimes feel Him smile back at me as if to say, "I love to make you smile!" So the next time you find yourself smiling, you can know that it's from God. He Loves you so much that He wants to put a smile on your beautiful face!
Amen! God is good and truly loves us.