My heart began to beat faster and faster as all the horrible things that could be wrong raced through my head. For a moment my surroundings lost it's beauty as fear began to choke me. I called him. "My wife has filed for a divorce and she won't even consider counseling," My brother said with devastation! "Wow, I can't believe it," I said, while relief that no one had died came over me, only to be replaced by the shock of this situation that no one saw coming. "But your church doesn't believe in divorce, how can this be," I said, knowing they are both very active members.
After the shock wore off and the reality of this serious problem set in, God filled me with peace. As the Lord brought to my recollection how He delivered me from a nearly 8 year addiction to alcohol, hope and faith began to rise up in me. If you would've known me then, which I'm glad you didn't, you would understand it was a pure miracle of God that set me free! If God can do that for me, He can do anything! I have no box for Him to fit in, nope, I believe God for everything! My box has been permanently shattered! Thank You Jesus!

My brother sent his wife these beautiful flowers for Valentine's Day, remembering she loves daisies, he had the florist incorporate them into this gorgeous arrangement! :)
What are you believing God for? If you will share it with me, I will agree with you. God says if two of us come together and agree upon anything, it will be done for us! I believe Him!
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