This blog is dedicated to my wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To bring glory, honor, and praise to God who deserves so much more than I could ever give. It is my prayer that as you read through my journey you will "taste and see that the Lord is good" in every season of life. I also pray that your faith will be built up to "mountain moving" proportions, that God will be greatly blessed by this blog, and that you will too!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Hurting People Everywhere
Jesus came to save those who are lost and hurting. Jesus said, it's not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick. The world is full of sick and hurting people and God Loves and wants each and every one of them just as they are.
While putting on my make-up, I was talking to my daughter through the bathroom door the other day. She comes to visit Wednesdays between her classes and work. The highlight of my weeks! :) Anyway, out of nowhere I remember the girl at the grocery store checkout stand the day before. She was a sweet looking girl all accept she was wearing giant spacers in her earlobes. If you don't know what I'm talking about, what happens is, if you take out the round spacers, you will have big loops for ear lobs.
When I came up to the checkout stand and noticed the girl, I felt a sadness come over me. She was thin and had dark hair put stylishly up in a bun. She was very sweet and pretty accept for those ears! I couldn't for the life of me figure out why she would disfigure herself like that, which I now realize is actually none of my business...
"I can't believe they hire people with those big loops in their ears", I told my daughter. "It looks horrible"! There is a girl at the ice cream parlor I like to visit who wears those and it's so gross I bout loose my appetite! "They shouldn't let people who wear those things in their ears work in food establishments" I said.
The next day I began to hear over and over wretched things I had done before my Lord saved me from my personal pain and days of intoxication. At first I thought it was the old enemy, satan, trying to steal my joy, so I tried to ignore it. As the list of my past offenses against God got uglier and uglier, and the pain coming back as if I were facing those offenses for the first time, I remembered the conversation I had with my daughter about those girls and their ears, and I also remembered I had asked God not to let me forget where I came from. My bad haha...just kidding. Be careful what you ask for cause you just might get it!
"We all wear our pain differently. Some of us hide it on the inside and some of us on the outside." Said the still small voice of God. I have been a faithful follower and student of Jesus Christ for 5 years and I am shocked at how I still struggle with pride and selfishness and judging others. It made me sad that I had disappointed God with my attitude towards these girls, especially considering where I came from. And it made me sad that I am still so far away from being like my beloved Jesus.
I have been humbled. I have been changed...
Friday, October 4, 2013
Living Without Fear
"but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”
I was going to talk about why I am eating an ice cream cone at 5 'o clock in the morning, but The Lord said "Obama Care." I don't know that much about Obama Care, but man that Nestle's Vanilla Caramel Drumstick sure was mmm mmm good!
I do my best to stay out of politics because The Good Lord says, "whatever is good, whatever is noble, whatever is praiseworthy, think on such things." Politicians make me angry so I don't think about them. However, as a chronic sick, middle class, middle aged woman, I can't get away from this one.
This is what I do know about "Obama Care" as it pertains to me personally. My husband says our insurance will go from $500 a month to $1000. Our annual deductible will go from $2500 to $5000. Right now we have a 70/30 split which means our insurance pays 70% of the medical bills and we pay 30%, That will change to 50/50 and this all begins the first of next month!
My husband says "no" to that kind of insurance pricing and there, I have suddenly been sucked into the devils schemes! Fear is Satan's biggest weapon against us and the evidence is clear that the end times is closer than most of us realize.
My hope has been that this Bill will get repealed but clearly it doesn't seem to be going in that direction. Every time, which is all the time if the TV is on, the subject of Obama Care is brought up, my blood starts to boil and I begin to think about things like "what if the doctors figure out whats wrong with me and we wont be able to afford the treatment... What if we can't afford the testing that could lead to a diagnosis and that leads to death...or worse, what if I can't afford my medications and I just have to live in a sick and miserable body the rest of my life?"
Then that "still small voice" inside me, aka The Holy Spirit, says, "what about Me?" Oh yeah, I belong to God!! What great news!!! I don't live by the worlds standards because I am a member of The Kingdom of God!! Hallelujiah!! You see, The Lord doesn't leave it up to the President to take care of His own, God Himself takes care of His own people, because He is GOOD like that!!
What does God say about these kinds of situations? To find out all you have to do is look up the word "fear" in the concordance of your Bibles if you have one. If you don't you can go to
http://www.biblegateway.com/keyword/ and plug in the word fear. There is power in God's Word, and if you don't know, you can find God's Word in the Bible. The Truth you will find there can extinquish the firey darts of fear that devil WILL throw at you, and you can find peace instead. Praise The Lord!!
When you start feeling scared TURN OFF THE TV and read and reread the verses that tell you how God IS and WILL CONTINUE TO TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS. Now that is GREAT NEWS!!!
Deuteronomy 31:8
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Oh and the reason for the ice cream cone this morning, it was pure unadulterated selfishness, cause if I had left it in the fridge, the kids would eat it! I am a work in progress after all...
Sunday, September 29, 2013
What Happens When I Let God Be God
My busy girl doing homework for college in Corvallis in between work in Salem and internship at an international adoption agency in Portland! |
Well God did provide for all her needs! She went to Haiti, she worked hard, and an unsuspecting life was changed for God because she was there! This was the life of one of the team members. It wasn't about the orphans or the financially needy this time. It was about a young lady who was struggling mentally, she was "poor in spirit".
What we usually think of when we hear the word "poor" is those who are orphaned or homeless, or starving. There is another type of "poor" and it's at epidemic porportions here in America as well as poverty stricken places, like Africa and Haiti. That is what this young lady was suffering from, being poor in her spirit.
The poor in spirit are those who are sad, hopeless, starving for love and acceptance...they need Jesus! I've been there and it's awful! My daughter was just who this young lady traveling with her to Haiti to help others needed to talk to. As my Shayla listened to her story, the Holy Spirit began to minister to her and prompted Shayla to pray for her. It was exactly what this girl needed and her life was changed that day! An act of God it was! He's really great that way!! This new friend who was feeling hopeless and sad went away feeling loved and valuable as well as on fire for God! And when they returned home She asked Shayla to baptize her! I'm so proud of my beautiful daughter and I give God all the glory!
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If I had interfered with God's plan by worrying about my daughter's too busy life and discouraged her from going to Haiti, her friend's life would not have been touched and she might have been lost forever. I'm so glad I've learned to let God be God and just love the one He puts in front of me! And I know it makes His job a little easier too haha...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
What Does It Take To Be A Credible Witness?
I think sometimes as Christians we like to paint a picture that life with Christ is a life free from problems. And then some of us think there is something wrong with us if we don't have the life that Jesus died for us to have. The fact is, stated right in the Word of God, "a righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers Him from them all." There's the good news! He will deliver us! We have divine help to get us through our problems!
Lord continues to shower me with His tender mercies. I just LOVE those! He puts a smile on my face every day. My Church attendance has been spuratic at best. I miss way more meetings than I attend. A few of the members know that I have been struggling with a physical illness and I know they are praying for me.
At New Hope Community Church, we have a prayer chain that is managed by my beautiful spiritual Momma, Nona Petersen. A lot of prayer requests come up on the chain so one day I felt like throwing in a Praise Report of supernatural increase for the glory of the Lord. Our very expensive furnace oil has lasted twice as long as it naturally should! I thought that was worth giving God glory for!!! Thank You Jesus You are such a wonderful provider!!!
So my question to God one day was, Lord if people see that I am sick in body and not getting well year after year, how can I be a credible witness for You?
And God replied,
"Your Love for Jesus overshadows you and that is what all can see."
So if you ever feel like your testimony wont count on account some things in your life aren't neatly arranged in a picture perfect way, then remember, not even Jesus lived a picture perfect life, in fact it was far from the way we would want our lives to be. It's your love for God that needs to be seen by all, so please don't hold it back, testify of ALL that The Lord has done for you!!! He will bless you for it, I promise!!
Dance through the pain
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also ~Matthew 6:21
I spend most of my days alone with God. Since I have been sick in my body for the past 4 years, I don't get out much. During this time He has become my very best friend in the whole world! If you were a fly on my wall you would conclude that I am crazy! Talking all day long to my King. Laughing, singing, talking, crying, you name it, that's what we do together. We even dance together when I am feeling strong enough. Did you know the Lord dances? "He's the Lord of the dance, He's the dancing Lord!" Yes, He even wants to dance with you!! The more I get to know Him the more delighted and amazed I am at who He is, how precious He really is. He really is delightful! I had no idea before now just how awesome our God is!
Did You Know God Has Feelings Too?
So many prayers for our needs, so many prayers for our wants, so many prayers for this and for that. Please bless our finances God, please bless our children, please give us an easy day at work, please keep us safe Lord.
Did you know that Jesus prays for us? Who prays for Him? Just because He is in Heaven seated next to our Heavenly Father doesn't mean that He doesn't still need our prayers.
We couldn't possibly comprehend the amount of rejection and pain and sorrow our Lord goes through every single day. I find it so hard to understand why He created us knowing full well how much He would suffer because of us. But He created us anyway and says His children are worth everything! What an awesome God!
Did you know that Jesus prays for us? Who prays for Him? Just because He is in Heaven seated next to our Heavenly Father doesn't mean that He doesn't still need our prayers.
We couldn't possibly comprehend the amount of rejection and pain and sorrow our Lord goes through every single day. I find it so hard to understand why He created us knowing full well how much He would suffer because of us. But He created us anyway and says His children are worth everything! What an awesome God!
Gift of Salvation
Praise the Lord oh my soul, praise the Lord! He gave it all away when He could have chose to stay. No longer sitting on the throne as a King should be all for the Love of you and me. All of heaven had to say goodbye, for that brief moment, to the Apple of their eye.
I can't imagine such a Love as this, that the Creator would become the created for those He created. He who was and is truly greatest became the least while He dwelt among us. How profound! In His great Love and compassion for His children He became one of us, to be tested and tried just as we are but even more so I think because He is God and could've called heavens army to come rescue Him at any given moment. But He didn't. He stayed the coarse, suffering great persecution and humiliation, betrayal, and inconceivable abuse at the hands of Roman soldiers.
It was His plan from the very beginning before we were ever created, to reach out His own Hand from heaven and save us from our depravity. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, not by works lest anyone should boast." If we would just humble ourselves and admit our need for His help and repent, turn away from doing what is wrong in the sight of the Lord and seek His beautiful Face instead. The gift is already there, your passport to heaven, bought and paid for, all you have to do is reach out and receive it, say yes to Jesus, tell Him you want His great gift of Salvation and ask Him to be Lord of your life if you haven't already. God paid a price way to high for us to pick and choose who we think is worthy of this great gift. Salvation is for everyone who believes!
Thank You my dear sweet Jesus for saving a wretch like me!!! I love you forever and can't wait to be married to You for ALL eternity long!!!
I can't imagine such a Love as this, that the Creator would become the created for those He created. He who was and is truly greatest became the least while He dwelt among us. How profound! In His great Love and compassion for His children He became one of us, to be tested and tried just as we are but even more so I think because He is God and could've called heavens army to come rescue Him at any given moment. But He didn't. He stayed the coarse, suffering great persecution and humiliation, betrayal, and inconceivable abuse at the hands of Roman soldiers.

Thank You my dear sweet Jesus for saving a wretch like me!!! I love you forever and can't wait to be married to You for ALL eternity long!!!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Tale Of A Teenage Hitchhiker
O GOD, Your chariots are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands! The Lord has come into His sanctuary. Praise be to the Lord, to God my Savior, who daily bears my burdens. My God is a God who saves, from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.
(Psalm 68:17, 19-20)
It was a cold dark October night in Central Oregon. I was only fourteen at the time when my 16 year old friend Janet, who was really more of an acquaintance, invited me to run away to Ontario California with her. Janet had a boyfriend down there that we could stay with. It sounded like a great idea because I couldn't handle getting in trouble at home one more time.
With only $14 between us, we had every intention of hopping a train to get us started on our journey to California, but that darn train was going way to fast! Defeated by plan A, Janet came up with plan B. So we walked to Jake's, the local truck stop, to hitch a ride from one of the truckers.
We had to be sneaky at this point because I had been missing since school was out 3-4 hours earlier. Hiding behind unsuspecting semi-trucks we waited for a driver to return to his cab. "Here comes someone", Janet noticed and approached the the dark haired, middle aged, scruffy truck driver, and asked for a ride. Sure he said, hop on in...so we did...
We were able to get across the border before the truck driver had to go a different direction than we were headed. As morning had come upon us he pulled into a California truck stop and let us out. There we were able to find another ride heading towards our destination.
All in all, we only had to actually stand out on the highway with our thumbs in the air one time. Ironically we were picked up by a State Trooper. He believed our silly story that we were on our way home but ran out of money for a bus. He was happy to give us a ride. I think my anxiety level had peaked at this point! The rest of the way was smooth sailing as the truck drivers were very kind in taking us where we wanted to go. I know God's Angels were watching over us because "praise the Lord", we didn't get raped and or murdered!
It was less than 24 hours later, and almost a 1000 miles from home, starving and exhausted, we reached Ontario California. It felt more like Spring than Fall that sunny afternoon. It was like night and day compared to Bend's climate.
It turned out that Janet's boyfriend had a brother, he was good looking and single, yay me! His name was Steve. He didn't think much of me at first because I was tattered and worn from the journey. However, once I got some much needed sleep, a shower, and a change of clothes Steve "noticed" me.
I told him I was almost 16 and he believed me! If I would've told him my real age, he would likely have sent me packing! By the way, he was 23 at the time.
They had a small little house with a small front yard. Inside it was kind of dark, as they kept the blinds closed to keep out the heat. There were only 2 bedrooms and 1 bath so Steve invited me to sleep with him the second night Janet and I were there. It wasn't long before Steve proposed, not knowing that I was really only 14 years old. Of coarse I said YES! Finally, someone loves me, so I thought...
One week went by, then two... Janet found a job working at a laundromat. I stayed home alone during the days while Steve and his brother were also at work. It would be too risky for me to apply for employment. I had no desire to go back home! The days were long and lonely, I watched soap opera's to pass the time while waiting for everybody to get off work.
One afternoon my fiance's brother came home before Steve and Janet. He brought friends and drugs with him. He called it "Sherman", "Sherm" for short. I'd never heard of it before, although I had tried alcohol, speed, pot, even acid once, and I smoked cigarettes.
"Here try this", my soon to be brother-in-law said as he passed me the bong, with this foreign to me drug in it. "Take a small hit", he told me. I took a big hit as if it were pot. Big mistake that was! Before I knew it I was being carried to my bed where I lay completely paralyzed from head to toe. I couldn't even open my mouth to speak. For hours I lay there staring at the ceiling unable to move a muscle. If it weren't for the Angels of God helping me, I'm sure I would have died that day so many miles away from home.
By the Grace of God, I did fully recover a couple of days later. He is such a good God! And then another week went by and then it was all over. My fiance and his brother got in a big fight that ended in gun fire. Steve's brother was so mad that he told the police his brother was harboring a runaway. They came and took me away that day. I spent the night in a juvenile detention facility, and to my horror, they put me on a flight back to Oregon the next morning. I didn't want to go...
I told the man sitting next to me on the airplane what my story was and he told me, "you will look back at this and laugh one day." I never saw it as funny, but I do see the mighty Hand of God on my life even then when I was just a lost little teenager.
I will thank Him forever for His incredible Grace and Mercy!!! All things are possible with God. I was one of 2 teenage girls hitchhiking hundreds of miles away kept safe by Him even while the devil was trying to kill me!!
It's 30 years later and that wild child has long since grown up. Today I'm extremely rich in blessings, as I have 3 adult children. My oldest son and daughter- in- law are due to have a baby boy in June, our first grandchild! My oldest daughter is a college graduate and getting married in August. My youngest daughter is a 3rd year college student and she's going on her 3rd missions trip, it will be her 2nd time to Haiti this May! I have a wonderful husband who is also following the Lord and takes great care of our family! God is SO GREAT in our lives!!
Thank You Precious Lord for being so GOOD!!!
Do you have a time in your history that you can see God's helping hand when you didn't realize it was there at the time?
Monday, March 25, 2013
A Laid Down Lover For God
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My daughter on her first mission trip to Haiti |
I'm all over the idea of letting God be God because He is so much better at it than I am haha...It is really quite good news to me that He wants to be the One to do it! So with great joy, our Father in heaven is teaching me and I'm slowly but surely learning what this looks like.
It goes something like this;
When I want to preach and direct the person in front of me, I don't. Instead I pray for this one, and let God be the one to teach and admonish him/her. That's the Holy Spirits Job, not mine. My job is to love that person. This is a profound revelation and I've said it before, "I am not the Holy Spirit!" I use to try to be but I wasn't any good at it!
My job is to love the one God puts in front of me!
When I feel taken advantage of and instead of rebuking the offender, I humbly submit and let God take care of me. I can't seem to find it written in the Scriptures, "thou shalt not let others walk all over you..". Our Father in heaven says the least among you is the greatest, that sounds to me like we are to put all others ahead of us. If everyone else is greater then that pride goes away and I no longer feel taken advantage of and God will fix the situation when the time is right! :)
I will keep loving the one He puts in front of me!
When I want to tell our newly born again 25 year old son and soon to be father, "get a job", I don't. I trust that God "will complete the good work He began in him" and wait for Holy Spirit to direct our son's steps to that perfect job at the perfect time, cause that's how God is ya know, His timing is ALWAYS perfect ALL the time! I will keep extending love while we are waiting.
When I want to tell my college attending, hard working daughter, "please don't plan another mission trip to Haiti in the middle of your already too busy schedule. Instead I praise her for her heart and desire to serve God and the needy and trust God will provide for all her needs.
...keep loving the one God puts in front of you!
When I want to call the doctor after waiting nearly 2 1/2 weeks for lab results but I don't. Instead, I wait trusting that God is in complete control of my situation and I will hear the results in His timing, which did i mention is always perfect??? I will not get mad at the doctors for "neglecting" me, I will extend grace...
...and i will love the one God puts in front of me!
Let God be God and love the one God puts in front of you! I said "YES!" Will you?
Friday, March 8, 2013
Today I received a comment on a post I wrote in January of last year, "Does God Need Encouragement". readywriteruk says, "When you are loyal to someone you encourage them." I find it so amazing that God always brings a Word to help us when we need one!
Before I had even stepped out of my bed this morning, I was being accused. "You don't think about Me (God) enough, you don't really know Me (Him)..." Over and over...on and on, like a masquito buzzing around my head looking for a place to land so he could start sucking the life out of me!
I have lots of experience with the accuser of the brethren, the father of all lies, that devil! I should know full well his schemes to take my heart away from the One that I love! But the thing is, I am still vulnerable to the lies and accusations of the enemy! Part of my human condition I think.
Shortly after this attack on my faith this morning, God brought me the comment from readywriteruk about loyalty. As I pondered over this word, God revealed that part of being loyal to Him means remembering and believing that He is loyal to me... all the time! He says over and over in His Word that He will never leave us nor forsake us. And also so important to remember that He pulls us along with "chords of Love and kindness", not guilt and shame! "God is Love" and He's a GOOD God!
In his, I highly recommend, devotional, "Fret Busters, 30 Reasons Not to Fear or Worry", Roy Lessin points out, "God won't say or do anything for the purpose of frustrating you, making you anxious, causing you to panic, or filling you with fear. "
"You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You . Trust in the Lord forever, for in Yah (Him), the Lord is everlasting strength." Isaiah 26:3-4.
God is Love and His Word says, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). In our efforts to be loyal to God, lets trust Him and not let go of the belief that He is loyal to us!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Deception Among The Voices From Heaven Continued
I heard a song from heaven one day, it sounded just like all the other voices I've heard.
This song was about a baby coming for me, a baby girl is coming for me, only girls for me. It's physically out of the question for God to be referring to me and my husband conceiving anymore children. No, He had to be talking about my grandchild that is on the way. My step-son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first child. I was 99.9% sure that this baby was going to be a girl because of the song I heard. Praise the Lord I didn't tell anyone about this... ha ha... like I'm telling you now!
Last Thursday was the ultrasound appointment that was going to confirm what "the Lord" had told me through song, "it's a girl"! The kids were happy to let me come with them to this very special appointment. Baby looks healthy, we see that all parts are developing properly. Then the technician points the camera between the legs of my "granddaughter", and to my shock she has developed boy parts!!! She takes a picture and types, "It's a boy", clear as crystal, it's a boy!! Huh....???
When I first heard the "prophetic song" a baby girl was coming for me, I didn't even think to question the source. Why you ask? Because the voice sounded exactly the same as the audible singing voice of the Lord! I just let my heart get stomped on and I didn't even see it coming. This has happened again and again.
I'm finally understanding what the verse means to "test and prove what is that good pleasing and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2 Ask questions! Don't assume that because it sounds like God, it is God! If you come to a situation in your life where you feel God has lied to you, you can be 100% assured that He was set up by the deceiver! Yep, God gets framed all the time! We need to be aware! God will never do anything to make you look or feel stupid! "Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." Psalm 34:5 God will never betray you!
God's Word tells us, "The devil masquerades as an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14 It's true! It's been a long hard lesson to learn, but I am learning to seek the Lord for answers concerning anything I think I have received as revelation from Him. Be wise, ask questions, seek proof, and keep my eyes on Jesus as His grace will allow me to, and always always always trust that in all things, God is GOOD!
Have you ever felt betrayed by God?
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We must keep our eyes on Jesus! |
Have you ever felt betrayed by God?
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Deception Among The Voices From Heaven
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"My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me" John 10:27 |
In light of the goal to bring glory to God, I want to reveal that although the singing I wrote about in my previous post, started out with such songs as; the United States National Anthem, Silent Night, Happy Birthday To You (me), and even Frosty The Snowman... ha ha, the music from heaven has become much more personal and prophetic. I am hearing the angels less and the Lord more. There are also times when He let's me join in and the songs become interactive, as the Lord sings back to me what I just sang to Him in my spirit.
My mind explodes with wonder over God's measureless Power, Knowledge, and Love! Not to mention how great that He goes to such lengths to show His desire to have a personal relationship with His children!
Do I think the Lord sings for me and over me because I'm more special than anyone else, or because I know more Bible verses than some, or because He likes the way I pray better than someone else? Absolutely not! I do not lay claim to any of these. The reason I can hear this sound from heaven is simply because I was created to. That's it, there is no big secret to why God does one thing for one of His children and not the other. What we receive from His is exactly what we were created to receive from Him.
God says in His Word, "I will rejoice over you with singing". (Zephaniah 3:17 ) That's right, God sings over ALL His children. He is so incredibly more wonderful and Loving than any earthly parent ever created by Him. If you are a child of God, I want you to know that He is singing over you right now. He never stops! He is precious and His music is so beautiful, I can't wait for you to hear it for yourself, it will overwhelm you, He will overwhelm you with His amazing Love!
At this point you might be wondering, "okay so what about the deception in the title of this post?" I will tell you, it's true, there is a deceiver out there and he is very real! It's so important we get to know the Heart and Mind of God through the study of His Word. He IS His Word! (John 1)
The deceiver comes to try and take away our trust in God. I have had to learn this the hard way...through experience and it has been gut wrenching at times! We can't believe everything we hear! "We have to test and prove what is that good pleasing and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:2b).
It's taken me quite a bit of time to learn this, but just when I think I know God's Character, the deceiver comes and takes away my confidence! And faithfully in His grace and mercy God restores me every single time! He's good like that! I promise you, He is absolutely worth every single test and trial I've gone through!
I heard a song from heaven one day, it sounded just like all the other voices I've heard.
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