Friday, May 25, 2012

Find A Penny...

In those times when it seems like God is not answering my prayers, because in my mind, it's taking too long, my Father tells me to trust Him. Each time I "find a penny, pick it up," I don't really believe in luck, but I do believe God is telling me to trust Him. It says so right on the coin, "In God We Trust!" He says, "don't worry, I will provide everything you need" through a picture, a figurine, or a real live bird. The Bible says Jesus told the people long ago when He walked the earth, "look at the birds, they don't sow, or harvest, or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them, aren't you far more valuable than they?"

The Lord surprises me, in some way or another, everyday. He really is attentive to His children and everything about them! Today after going on in my prayers as usual do you want to know what God said to me? He said, "one voice does make a difference!" In such a giant world, my prayers, however small or insignificant I might think they are, really do matter to the Father.

Our heavenly Father is always listening and answers the prayers of His children, I promise! It might not always seem like it because we don't always know how God will respond to our requests and situations. His wisdom is far to great for us to understand most of the time, but trust me, trust Him, God really is listening and He really does care! So don't ever stop praying!

You are far more valuable than they...
The next time you see a penny (or any coin really) laying around, don't think about luck, but rather hear our Father God say, "trust Me." And whenever you see a bird or lots of birds close by, be reminded that God is watching over you and will take care of all your needs.

We are so valuable to Him and so Loved by Him that He gave His all and His Best, He gave His One and only perfect beloved, begotten Son Jesus, for us so that we could be with Him forever. All we have to do is believe, ask for forgiveness for our sins, and invite Him into our life. My life has not been the same since Jesus came into my life and that is such a wonderful thing cause my life before Jesus...I Hated it!! He is real and He is for everyone, He want's to have a relationship with us right now, not after we die. Jesus is my Best Friend in the whole world and I've never been happier, ever...

What special way does God speak to you?

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