Sunday, June 3, 2012

He Places The Lonely In Families

"God sets the lonely in families..," Psalm 68:6
This is my beautiful Momma and Poppa from the Lord!
I'll never forget the day we met. It was a warm, late-Summer afternoon and I was being drawn into the worship of God by the familiar, but almost forgotten melody of praise music. Four years ago this August, as I sat in my not so white, plastic lawn chair in my backyard with my cigarette in one hand and my vodka and Diet Coke in the other, I heard a sound coming from the park that borders my fence.  I followed the beautiful sound of what seemed to be people singing and making music to the Lord. the sound filled the park and my neighborhood.

The whole meeting was a total act of God and a complete miracle if you ask me! I had been quite stuck in the trap that catches all unsuspecting victims, of alcoholism, for several years. I'm pretty sure no one sets out to become an alcoholic that is why I called it a trap. Anyway, I was so depressed. My body was sick, my mind was sick, and my spirit was in hell.

It had been years since I had attended church and I didn't have the courage and strength it would take to start going now.  I was lost, so lost for so long. But I could go get me a look-see at what was going on just on the other side of my backyard. As I followed the music I heard coming from the park that day, I saw a group of people nestled under a circle of big old fir trees. There was a couple, a little older than myself, singing into microphones hooked up to speakers and playing what looked to me like a keyboard. Oh how I used to love the Lord and His Word, but that was all lost now. My heart ached to come home to Him. I stood under one of those trees as far away from the group as possible so as not to have to talk to anyone. Cause not only was I shy, but I was extremely ashamed of my condition!

As I was crossing the little bridge to get to the side of the park the music was coming from, a very sweet older man came up to me. He smiled at me with this contagious joy, offered me some literature,  and asked if I would like to go sit by his beautiful wife. I thanked him and politely said no, I'll just stand right here by this tree. I didn't know this then, but apparently when God is present, it makes me cry! It was like someone had opened up Hoover Damn!  I guess you could say I was a bit remorseful! So, unable to hide the streams that were now flowing from my eyes, the kind gentleman asked if I would like a kleenex. I gratefully accepted and then as my heart continued to melt down, he asked me again if I would like to go have a seat next to his wife.

I think we are both still amazed at how God so beautifully orchestrated our meeting and I didn't know it, but I was just about to meet my spiritual Momma! She doesn't normally attend outreach services she tells me, but God drew her to that one!  She came up to me and provided me with the kleenex I so obviously needed and neither one of us knowing what to say to the other, began a beautiful bond that we share to this day! I accepted her invitation to sit next to her and then... spilled my guts all over her...not literally of coarse! She shared with me... I shared with her. We came to find out we are so compatible it's ridiculous to think we are not biological mother and daughter! We even look like we are related! She really is beautiful by the way! :) Yup, that's our God! I couldn't have picked a better Momma for myself if I tried! And my Poppa, well he's just the sweetest man you will ever meet!  It's truly remarkable how God works!

This is the precious cover of the card my Momma
sent me, inviting us to have Easter dinner with them.
I love this picture cause when I was a little girl I use to chase
the butterflies and try to catch them in my net :)
Not having a mom, and with my dad being far away, makes this precious couple a true treasure in my life. The Lord blesses my socks off through them constantly! They have taken me under their wings and treat me like a daughter. They pray for me and my family, they have showered us with some of the best gifts, you know, the kind that come from the heart! My Momma is an awesome cook! And my Poppa is very talented with the woodwork pieces he creates! Momma has shared her library full of great Christian authors and has taught me so much. I wouldn't spiritually be where I'm at today if it wasn't for her! We share like faith which is a precious gift in itself! But I love them and they love me and that is the greatest gift of all!!!

Dear Lord, Your Word is truly "living and active" and it's really true that You "place the lonely in families" just like it says in the Bible! Thank You so much for my precious Momma and Poppa! They are such a great blessing and a treasure to me! Please bless them mightily for the blessing they have been and continue to be to me. Please help me to love them and bless them the way they deserve. May you shower them and their family with Your limitless favor forever! In Jesus beautiful Name Amen!

This is one of the beautiful pieces my Poppa made for me! 


Poppa made this beautiful sign for me, it sits proudly
right next to the front door!

Do you have someone unexpected and extra special from God in your life? Or maybe you are somebody's unexpected and extra special person from the Lord! Either way I would love to hear about it!


  1. I loved my grandma very much, she practically raised me and was the first person to tell me all about Jesus. A few years ago she had a stroke and eventually passed due to complications. Well, I was struggling between the two worlds of being catholic and protestant, which my grandma knew all about but I didn't have her to share it with.
    One day I meet my future husband, and he tells me I have to talk to a lady from church (his "second mom")and we immediately hit it off. She had also been catholic so we had similar backgrounds, and it wasn't until a whole year later that it dawned on us-- God may have taken my grandma away to Himself, but not without providing a new one for me. We cried and laughed when were realized it. God truly cares for our needs, even if it takes a whole year to recognize what he's done!

  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog for God Molly! That in and of itself is encouraging to me and just when I needed it most! Isn't that just the way God is? His timing is always perfect even though we don't always think so. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandma. What a blessing she was to be there for you like that as you were growing up! The time I got to live with my grandma were the best 2 1/2 years of my childhood! She is going to be 94 this August! I'm sorry for the loss of your grandma. I think it's just so awesome how God never leaves us stranded/abandoned! How wonderful He brought you an unexpected someone special as He took your grandma into glory! Even if it did take a year to realize it! :) God is so good!! Thank you so much for sharing with me! I look forward to reading more of your blog and learning more about you! God bless you my sweet new friend and sister! :)
